|Dialogue Marathon Day 3 |DREAMING NORTH INDIA| Prerna Mahila Samiti

|Day Third of 14 Days Dialogue Marathon to celebrate International Women's Day|


A Step Towards Sustainable Livelihood

Presented by 

Prerna Mahila Samiti 
A Federation of ......

Published by 
Aten Publishing House

Logo design credits :: Ms Swapnil Shukla

'The Bold Brigade’, a collective to celebrate the Inclusive Power of Arts.

|| डायलॉग मैराथन में बताई गई मासिक धर्म  हाइजीन से संबंधित  बातें  ||

दिनांक 26 फरवरी 2020, प्रेरणा महिला समिति के तत्वाधान में 14 दिवसीय कार्यक्रम 'डायलॉग मैराथन' ( 24 फरवरी से 8 मार्च 2020) के तृतीय दिवस पर मासिक धर्म  हाइजीन से संबंधित  तथ्यों पर चर्चा का आयोजन जाजमऊ में किया गया |

इस मौके पर प्रेरणा महिला समिति की प्रमुख काउंसलर सीमा पाण्डेय ने महिलाओं व युवतियों का  स्वागत करते हुए बताया कि पूरे घर का ध्यान रखने वाली महिलाएं आज भी स्वयं से जुडी कई जरूरी बातों से अंजान हैं। अज्ञानता व खुले तौर पर इन विषयों पर चर्चा ना कर पाना इसका मुख्य कारण है। कुछ महिलाओं को इस मुद्दे पर बात करने में भी बहुत हिचकिचाहट महसूस होती है। मासिक धर्म में महिलाओं को कई चीजों से दूर रखा जाता है। जिस वजह से वे खुद को अपवित्र मानती हैं और इस दौरान बरते जाने वाले एहतियातों पर ध्यान नहीं देती हैं। इस तरह उनका खुद का स्वास्थ्य खतरे में पड़ सकता है। आज भी कई महिलाएं मासिक धर्म में अस्वच्छ कपड़े का इस्तेमाल करती हैं जिस वजह से वे कई जानलेवा बीमारियों की चपेट में आ जाती हैं । अतः पिरीअड के दौरान स्वच्छता बनाए रखना बेहद आवश्यक है | 

सीमा पाण्डेय ने यह भी बताया कि  मासिक धर्म में बहने वाला खून शरीर से बाहर निकलते वक्त शरीर के सहज जीवों से दूषित हो जाता है। कम बहाव वाले दिनों में पसीने व आपकी योनि के जीवों के कारण आपका पैड नम रहता है। लंबे समय पर नम एवं गर्म स्थान में रहने से इन जीवों की संख्या बढ जाती है। जिस वजह से आपकी त्वचा पर लाल चकत्ते तथा आपको मूत्र पथ के संक्रमण व योनि संक्रमण जैसी समस्याएं हो सकती हैं। अतः पिरीअड के दौरान हर 6 घंटों में अपना पैड बदलें व टैम्पान को हर 2 घंटों में बदलें। यह नियम अधिक व कम बहाव दोनों प्रकार के दिनों पर लागू होता है।

प्रेरणा महिला समिति की मुख्य प्रशिक्षक स्वप्निल शुक्ला ने कहा कि पीरियड्स के दौरान इस्तेमाल किए गए नैपकिन को पेपर में लपेटकर जला दें या फिर कूड़ेदान में फेंक दें। ऐसा ना करने पर संक्रमण के फैलने का खतरा रहता है। सैनिटरी नैपकिन को कभी भी फ्लश ना करें क्योंकि ऐसा करने पर आपका टॉइलट बंद पड सकता है।

वीडियो कांफ्रेंसिंग के द्वारा प्रेरणा महिला समिति की पूर्व अध्यक्ष गिरजेश पाल ने बताया कि मासिक धर्म के दौरान खून आपकी लेबिया की बीच की त्वचा में या योनि के आसपास के स्थान में प्रवेश कर सकता है। रक्त को प्रवेश करने से रोकने के लिए आपको अपनी योनि को साफ रखने की जरुरत है। यह आदत योनि से आने वाली गंध को भी मिटा देगी।

प्रेरणा महिला समिति के जन संपर्क प्रमुख ऋषभ शुक्ला ने कहा, "मासिक धर्म महिलाओं  के शरीर की महत्वपूर्ण प्रक्रियाओं में से एक है जिस दौरान अत्यंत सावधानी और आत्म-देखभाल की आवश्यकता होती  है। मासिक धर्म के दौरान उचित स्वच्छता सुनिश्चित करना, और सही भोजन करना इस दौरान होने वाले वाली समस्याओं को कम करने की कुंजी है।"


इस मौके पर प्रेरणा महिला समिति से प्रमुख रूप से सीमा पाण्डेय, स्वप्निल शुक्ला, ऋषभ शुक्ला, गिरजेश पाल, हरी गोविन्द दुबे आदि उपस्थित रहे । 

| Things to keep in mind for menstrual hygiene explained in Dialogue Marathon by 'Prerna' |

On dated 26th February 2020, a Discussion on the facts related to menstrual hygiene was held in Jajmau on the third day of the 14-days program 'Dialogue Marathon' (24 February to 8 March 2020) under the aegis of Prerna Mahila Samiti.

On this occasion, Seema Pandey, head counselor of Prerna Mahila Samiti welcomed the visitors and said that Menstruation is a natural process. However, in most parts of the world, it remains a taboo and is rarely talked about. Many cultures have beliefs, myths and taboos relating to menstruation.

 Almost always, there are social norms or unwritten rules and practices about managing menstruation and interacting with menstruating women. Most striking is the restricted control which many women and girls have over their mobility and behaviour due to their ‘impurity’ during menstruation, including the myths, misconceptions, superstitions and (cultural and/or religious) taboos concerning menstrual blood and menstrual hygiene. However, it is a fact that menstruation is one of the vital processes of a woman's body which deserves utmost caution and self-care. Ensuring proper hygiene during menses,  and eating right is the key to ease the pain you go through. 

She further explained that Changing sanitary napkins or tampons within every 4-6 hours is the cardinal rule to establish vaginal hygiene. Menstrual blood, when released from the body attracts various organisms from our bodies, which multiply in the warmth of the blood, and cause irritation, rashes or urinary tract infections. Changing your sanitary napkin or tampon regularly curbs the growth of these organisms and prevents infections.

"Disposing off your tampons and sanitary napkins properly is an important step. Wrap them properly before you throw them away, so the bacteria and infections do not spread. Make sure you don't flush them, since that  will block the toilet causing the water to back up, spreading the bacteria all over it.  Washing your hands properly is of utmost importance after you have wrapped and discarded the used tampons and sanitary napkins, since you're likely to touch the stained area while wrapping them", stated by Swapnil Shukla, Head Trainer of Prerna while commenting on Menstrual Hygiene.

Girjesh Pal, former President of Prerna Mahila Samiti, told through video conferencing that washing your vagina regularly is extremely important, because the organisms cling to your body after you have removed your sanitary napkin. Most people wash themselves regularly, but not the right way--which is, using your hands in motion from the vagina to the anus, not vice-versa.  Motioning  your hand from the anus to the vagina can lead to the transmission of the bacteria from the anus into the vagina or urethra opening  leading to infections.

Mr Rishabh Shukla, PR Lead of Prerna said that menstruation is one of the vital processes of a woman's body which deserves utmost caution and self-care. Ensuring proper hygiene during menses,  and eating right is the key to ease the pain you go through.

Seema Pandey, Swapnil Shukla, Rishabh Shukla, Hari Govind,  Girjesh Pal and others from Prerna Mahila Samiti have marked their presence to make this event  a grand success.

ऋषभ शुक्ला (Rishabh Shukla)

( संस्थापक- सम्पादक , स्वप्निल सौन्दर्य ई ज़ीन )
Founder-Editor, Swapnil Saundarya ezine 

वर्ष 2010 में स्थापित  प्रेरणा महिला समिति, एक आत्मनिर्भर संस्था है जो कि श्रमिक भारती का एक महासंघ है । माइक्रोफाइनेंस गतिविधियों के अतिरिक्त, प्रेरणा महिला समिति जागरूकता और सेवा सुधार के लिए स्थानीय समुदायों में जल व स्वच्छता के मुद्दों पर जागरूकता पैदा करने में सक्रिय रूप से शामिल है।  शहर के किनारे पर रहने वाले लोगों के लिए अस्पतालों और मेडिकल कॉलेज के सहयोग से नि: शुल्क स्वास्थ्य जांच शिविर, दंत चिकित्सा शिविर का आयोजन भी संस्था द्वारा निरन्तर किया जाता है |संस्था द्वारा अब तक 45513808 रुपयों की सामूहिक बचत व 38528400 का  ऋण वितरित किया जा चुका है । संस्था महिला सशक्तिकरण, बेटी बचाओ - बेटी पढ़ाओ व सतत जीविकोपार्जन के क्षेत्र में अग्रणी भूमिका निभा रही है।

||About Prerna Mahila Samiti||

Established in 2010, Prerna Mahila Samiti is an urban federation which is an umbrella community organization of Shramik Bharti. Neighbourhood groups of eastern part of the Kanpur city have organized themselves into the self-sustained organization. Evolving with the times in addition to micro finance activities, Prerna Mahila Samiti is actively involved in creating awareness on Water, Sanitation & Hygiene issues in local communities for awareness and service improvement. They also organize free health check up camps, dental check up camps with the support of hospitals & Medical College for people living in the fringes of the city. So far, a collective savings of  45513808 INR and loan of 38528400 INR have been disbursed by the organization. The institution is playing a leading role in the field of women empowerment, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao and sustainable livelihood.


Swapnil Saundarya  Label
The philosophy of a lifestyle permeates everything you do , its the way you live , to what you wear to how you wrap your gifts . Its the amalgamation of living in the best way one possibly can.
‘Swapnil Saundarya Label’ is a collaborative effort between Rishabh Shukla ( Rishabh Interiors & Arts ) and Swapnil Shukla ( Swapnil Jewels & Arts ) . We feel that life is all about good living . That is why our label has unique products at great value . SSL is great at having unusual aesthetic design sensibility which is reflected in our products ranging from Jewellery,Clothes,Accessories,Furnishings,Furniture,Interior Products ,KnickKnacks,Paintings,Paraphernalias to Lifestyle Books.
Swapnil Saundarya Label is a place that offers a complete lifestyle solution.
At Swapnil Saundarya Label, we design and create beautiful lifestyle products that delight people and enable them to express their love and appreciation .
The lifestyle products designed and developed at Swapnil Saundarya Label are not only captivating but a true expression of your style .


Painter Babu is an art blog run by Designer and Painter Rishabh Shukla that comments on art. It  cover different topics, from art critiques and commentary to insider art world gossip, auction results, art news, personal essays, portfolios, interviews, artists’ journals, art marketing advice and artist biographies.

|Painter Babu Rishabh !!! WHO ???|

Rishabh Shukla is a Painter, Writer, Journalist, Designer , Art Activist & Founder- editor of India's first Hindi lifestyle ezine named as ‘Swapnil Saundarya’. He is a trained Interior Designer and self-taught artist (Surrealist), affectionately known as ‘Painter Babu' in the art community. Rishabh is known for depicting the sensuality and beauty of women in very graceful manner. He is also well versed in both, Indian Folk Paintings and Indian Contemporary Paintings.

He studied at the renowned INIFD (International Institute of Fashion Design), Delhi in 2006 and graduated top of the class (Maintained 'O' grade), having 10+ years of work experience. 

Rishabh hold double M.A degrees in English Literature and Ancient Indian History, culture and Archaeology and has authored three books on Interiors titled as ‘Ek Aashiyane ki Oar–A Guide for Residential Interiors’, ’Supreme Home Therapy’ and ‘Secrets of Visual Merchandising’. He is skilled in variety of handicrafts such as Painting, Metal craft etc. 

Working for Swapnil Saundarya Label and Rishabh Interiors and Arts simultaneously, Rishabh has own acclaims from both critics and common people. He has held several art exhibitions and these have brought excellent response every time. Rishabh’s abstract depictions of women are said to endorse the stereotype of ‘Indianness’. His women are always represented as the mother, the lover, the seductress, or the muse. Rishabh blogs on Art, History recalls, youth issues, sports, Lifestyle & Society. He is also associated with the causes like ‘Say No to Domestic Violence’, ‘Fight Against Child Abuse’ and ‘Whole Body Donation’ and his association with these social causes, represents in his work as well.

Rishabh has also earned Sangeet Prabhakar Degree (6 years) in Indian Classical Percussion Instrument 'Tabla' from Prayag Sangeet Samiti Allahabad in First Division.

He has received the excellence award 2016 in Fine Arts from Uttar Pradesh Art Society and Youth Trailblazer Award in Contemporary Writing  from North Indian Merchants' Association in 2017. His Success story is recently covered by leading Youtube channel 'Talkistaan-Success stories with Anurag'.



Swapnil Shukla is an Indian designer, writer, visual story teller, Design Journalist, crafts expert and artist. She is the FIRST Jewellery Journalist and Fashion Columnist who writes and educates her readers about the most intricate subjects i.e Fashion, Jewellery and Lifestyle in 'HINDI' language. 

After graduating from South Delhi Polytechnic for Women, New Delhi (First with Distinction), she studied export management and start working as freelance designer and undertook Jewellery Projects. Besides, she also Holds a Master of Arts degree in Political Science.

Swapnil has earned Two years Diploma in Kathak Dance from Prayag Sangeet Samiti , Allahabad in First with Distinction.

Swapnil’s work appears in a wide variety of notable Indian publications. Swapnil made her fashion columns and knowledge available to the hindi language people.As a self-confessed ‘enthusiast of beautiful things’, Swapnil is also the chief Designer and co -owner of Swapnil Saundarya Label, which is a luxury craft manufacturing firm. Swapnil  has worked as Jewellery and Fashion Columnist/Journalist  for many Nationalized Magazines and started the famous and highly traffic grabber fashion & Lifestyle blog ‘Swapnil Saundarya’ available in English as well as in Hindi . Swapnil has also authored three books namely ‘Gehne – The Art of wearing Jewellery’ published in 2012, Fashion Pandit published in 2014 and The Fascinating  history of Indian Jewellery, published in 2017 . She has launched her own Designer Jewellery brand namely ‘Swapnil Jewels & Arts’ and now with a desire to add new dimensions to the design and Art industry , she started ‘Swapnil Saundarya Label' with a motive to make everybody’s life beautiful and  just like their Dream World. She has received the 'Excellence Award 2016' in Fine arts from Uttar Pradesh Art Society. Swapnil has worn several hats , Jewellery Journalist, Columnist , Designer, Fashion Consultant, Craft Expert, Writer and Painter. More recently she diversified into Handicraft Products as an experiment in her journey in design . She recently got featured on 'The Elegant Life' as young Indian entrepreneur who successfully started with almost nothing and set a milestone in her 20s and POWER CODE  as 'Trailblazer in Hindi Fashion'.One of her handcrafted products India's First Chemo Dolls named as 'Swapnil Saundarya Chemo Dolls' has received extensive media coverage and the concept behind these dolls was telecasted on renowned electronic and digital media channels like India Voice, ETV, Zee News, News Nation to name a few.

She presently works as Director & Chief Writer of Swapnil Saundarya ezine , which is an online publication that curates articles and info. on Art, Fashion , Jewels, Lifestyle, Interiors, Health Tips, Finance, Beauty, Religion , Entrepreneurship , Interviews, History Recalls and many more.

Swapnil Saundarya ezine 

Launched in June 2013, Swapnil Saundarya ezine has been the first exclusive lifestyle ezine from India available in Hindi language ( Except Guest Articles ) updated bi- monthly . We at Swapnil Saundarya ezine , endeavor to keep our readership in touch with all the areas of fashion , Beauty, Health and Fitness mantras, home decor, history recalls, Literature, Lifestyle, Society, Religion and many more. Swapnil Saundarya ezine encourages its readership to make their life just like their Dream World .


स्वप्निल सौंदर्य ई-ज़ीन - परिचय

कला , साहित्य,  फ़ैशन व सौंदर्य को समर्पित भारत की पहली हिन्दी लाइफस्टाइल  ई- पत्रिका के सप्तम  चरण अर्थात सप्तम वर्ष में आप सभी का स्वागत है . 

फ़ैशन व लाइफस्टाइल  से जुड़ी हर वो बात जो है हम सभी के लिये खास, पहुँचेगी आप तक , हर पल , हर वक़्त, जब तक स्वप्निल सौंदर्य के साथ हैं आप. गत वर्षों की सफलता और आप सभी पाठकों के अपार प्रेम व प्रोत्साहन  के बाद अब स्वप्निल सौंदर्य ई-ज़ीन  ( Swapnil Saundarya ezine )   के षष्ठम वर्ष को एक नई उमंग, जोश व लालित्य के साथ प्रस्तुत किया जा रहा है ताकि आप अपनी ज़िंदगी को अपने सपनों की दुनिया बनाते रहें. सुंदर सपने देखते रहें और अपने हर सपने को साकार करते रहें .तो जुड़े रहिये 'स्वप्निल सौंदर्य' ब्लॉग व ई-ज़ीन  के साथ .

और ..............

बनायें अपनी ज़िंदगी को अपने सपनों की दुनिया .
( Make your Life just like your Dream World ) 

Founder - Editor  ( संस्थापक - संपादक ) :  
Rishabh Shukla  ( ऋषभ शुक्ला )

Managing Editor (कार्यकारी संपादक) :  
Suman Tripathi (सुमन त्रिपाठी) 

Chief  Writer (मुख्य लेखिका ) :  
Swapnil Shukla (स्वप्निल शुक्ला )

Art Director ( कला निदेशक) : 
Amit Chauhan  (अमित चौहान) 

Marketing Head ( मार्केटिंग प्रमुख ) : 
Vipul Bajpai (विपुल बाजपई) 

'स्वप्निल सौंदर्य - ई ज़ीन ' ( Swapnil Saundarya ezine )  में पूर्णतया मौलिक, अप्रकाशित लेखों को ही कॉपीराइट बेस पर स्वीकार किया जाता है . किसी भी बेनाम लेख/ योगदान पर हमारी कोई ज़िम्मेदारी नहीं होगी . जब तक कि खासतौर से कोई निर्देश न दिया गया हो , सभी फोटोग्राफ्स व चित्र केवल रेखांकित उद्देश्य से ही इस्तेमाल किए जाते हैं . लेख में दिए गए विचार लेखक के अपने हैं , उस पर संपादक की सहमति हो , यह आवश्यक नहीं है. हालांकि संपादक प्रकाशित विवरण को पूरी तरह से जाँच- परख कर ही प्रकाशित करते हैं, फिर भी उसकी शत- प्रतिशत की ज़िम्मेदारी उनकी नहीं है . प्रोड्क्टस , प्रोडक्ट्स से संबंधित जानकारियाँ, फोटोग्राफ्स, चित्र , इलस्ट्रेशन आदि के लिए ' स्वप्निल सौंदर्य - ई ज़ीन ' को ज़िम्मेदार नहीं ठहराया जा सकता .

कॉपीराइट : 'स्वप्निल सौंदर्य - ई ज़ीन '   ( Swapnil Saundarya ezine )   के कॉपीराइट सुरक्षित हैं और इसके सभी अधिकार आरक्षित हैं . इसमें प्रकाशित किसी भी विवरण को कॉपीराइट धारक से लिखित अनुमति प्राप्त किए बिना आंशिक या संपूर्ण रुप से पुन: प्रकाशित करना , सुधारकर  संग्रहित करना या किसी भी रुप या अर्थ में अनुवादित करके इलेक्ट्रॉनिक या यांत्रिक , प्रतिलिपि, रिकॉर्डिंग करना या दुनिया के किसी भी हिस्से में प्रकाशित करना निषेध है . 'स्वप्निल सौंदर्य - ई ज़ीन ' के सर्वाधिकार ' ऋषभ शुक्ल' ( Rishabh Shukla )  के पास सुरक्षित हैं . इसका किसी भी प्रकार से पुन: प्रकाशन निषेध है.

चेतावनी : 'स्वप्निल सौंदर्य - ई ज़ीन '  ( Swapnil Saundarya ezine )   में घरेलु नुस्खे, सौंदर्य निखार के लिए टिप्स एवं विभिन्न चिकित्सा पद्धतियों के संबंध में तथ्यपूर्ण जानकारी देने की हमने पूरी सावधानी बरती है . फिर भी पाठकों को चेतावनी दी जाती है कि अपने वैद्य या चिकित्सक आदि की सलाह से औषधि लें , क्योंकि बच्चों , बड़ों और कमज़ोर व्यक्तियों की शारीरिक शक्ति अलग अलग होती है , जिससे दवा की मात्रा क्षमता के अनुसार निर्धारित करना जरुरी है.  


India's  First  Chemo  Dolls  By  Swapnil  Saundarya

Luxury crafts manufacturing firm  'Swapnil Saundarya Label' takes great pride to create its exclusive range of chemo dolls which can help in conveying the psychosocial effects of treatment to cancer patients . 

Swapnil Saundarya Chemo Dolls are created with an extremely rare condition where they do not have hair , they went through all their cancer treatments with their chemo, radiation and surgery . 

These Chemo Doll with the ' Fighting Spirit ' help to affirm and support the struggles of cancer patients. These dolls are designed to encourage Cancer patients who have to go through chemo therapy and will likely lose their hair. Swapnil Saundarya Chemo Dolls are dolls for children as well as for adults in treatments for cancer.

Swapnil Saundarya Label manufactured their first Chemo doll in 2017, but instead of placing them on sale for profit, distributed them to various NGOs.

Doll Designer 'Swapnil' has designed chemo dolls which are simply beautiful and bald , each with their own removable colorful hat adjoining with the doll's hand representing the power to fight against the terrible disease Cancer . These dolls are dedicated to all of them battling this awful disease. 

"Our goal is to place  Swapnil Saundarya Chemo Dolls in the arms of all cancer patients who need a hug and to put big smiles on their faces .You can nominate any child with cancer who needs a new best friend Doll and the firm will ship his or her new doll with lots of love and care from Swapnil Saundarya Label", said Swapnil,  co -owner.

Rishabh , co-owner of Swapnil Saundarya Label said "we hope our dolls have the magic to make their own best friends feel super brave and courageous. Our mission is to provide emotional support to children and adults in treatment for cancer and other serious illnesses through our chemo dolls " 


Talkistaan  ::  The  Talk  Show  || Success  Stories  with  Anurag


~  Trailblazer  
in  Hindi  Fashion :: Swapnil


Champion  of  Art  !  An  Interview  with  Painter  and  Editor  Rishabh  



Make your Life just like your Dream World !

copyright©2013-Present. Rishabh  Shukla. All  rights  reserved

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