Palitana Explored:: World's only mountain with 900+ temples | Swapnil Saundarya


      SWAPNIL SAUNDARYA e-zine  

Vol- 10, Year - 2023

 Palitana Explored::
World's only mountain with 900+ temples   

Published by 
Aten Publishing House

'The Bold Brigade’, a collective to celebrate the Inclusive Power of Arts.

Palitana is the world's only mountain that has more than 900 temples. The Palitana temples and whole mountain are considered the most sacred pilgrimage place (tirtha) by the Jain community, and is the world's largest Temple Complex. There are more than 3000 temples located on the Shatrunjaya hills, exquisitely carved in marble. The main temple on top of the hill, is dedicated to the first Tirthankara Rishabhanatha (Rishabhadeva). The temples were built by generations of Jains over a period of 900 years, from the 11th century onwards. The temples are managed by the Anandji Kalyanji Trust associated with the Kasturbhai Lalbhai group. From the foot of the hill to the top there are about 3,800 stone steps to facilitate climbing.

The temples are exquisitely carved in marble, veritable prayers in stone. To an observer, these appear to be ivory miniatures when seen from a distance. Created by master craftsmen, the most important temple is that of the first teerthankara, Shri Adishwar. It has ornate architectural motifs, though in its overall plan it is simpler than the Choumukh. Other notable temples are those of Kumarpal, Vimalshah and Sampriti Raja. Kumarpal Solanki, a great Jain patron, probably built the earliest temple. The temple has a fabulous collection of jewels, and these can be seen with special permission. The temples date from 11th to the 20th century. From 1865 to 1910 it was ruled by King Dhanpat.

Every devout Jain aspires to climb to the top of the mountain at least once in his lifetime, because of its sanctity. Not just the temples on the hill are sacred, but as per Jain Scriptures entire hill is sacred right from top to bottom. The journey is arduous. The walk up the stone stairway hewn into the mountain face takes about an hour and a half. For those unable or unaccustomed to the strain, sling-chairs are available at a bargain. The code for the climbers is stringent, in keeping with the rigours of the Jain faith. Food must neither be eaten nor carried on the way. The descent must begin before it is evening, for no soul can remain atop the sacred mountain during the night.

Palitana is also  counted among the purest and most revered destination for spiritual nomads. In fact, it is absolutely illegal to kill animals for eating purposes here, and selling eggs or meat is a strict no. Palitana, about 50 km southwest of Bhavnagar, holds the record of being the only mountain with more than 900 temples in the whole world! All the Palitana temples, along with the mountain are absolutely important from a religious viewpoint. It is also the most sacred pilgrimage centres or (tirtha) for the devotees and is considered the world's largest temple complex. 

Here's the pictorial story.......



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