We Love Stories! तमाशा..... Strange Spectacle| SWAPNIL SAUNDARYA STORIES



Vol- 09, Year - 2021, SPECIAL  ISSUE 


We Love Stories!

Strange Spectacle
Published by 
Aten Publishing House

'The Bold Brigade’, a collective to celebrate the Inclusive Power of Arts.


टीटू: "अबे यार! लगा ....लगा बिल्कुल चेहरे पर फोकस कर ....भाव साफ़ आने चाहिए कैमरे पर......"

कीटू: "पर यार क्या हम स्टोरी के नाम पर मानवीय गुणों को ताक पर तो नहीं रख रहे?"

टीटू: "मेरे दोस्त! यह दुनिया कमीनी है ....यहां मानवता नहीं दानवता ही लोगों को रोमांचित करती है ....नाज़ ने अपने साथी पार्थ को खोया है .....अपने प्रियतम के जनाज़े पर उसके रोते-बिलखते चेहरे, असीमित पीड़ा को हर कोई देखना चाहेगा... पार्थ की विधवा माँ के मुरझाये चेहरे, घुटन भरी सिसकियां हमें चमत्कारी उन्नति दिलाएगी...देख लेना!!  याद रखना,  दुनिया कमीनी है....यहाँ एक की तक़लीफ़ है दूजे के लिए तमाशा.....  खुशियों से ज़्यादा यहां है बिकता ग़म और निराशा."

Strange Spectacle

Teetu: "Oh man! Come on! Hurry up!! focus on the face….the expressions should be clear on the camera……" 

Keetu: "But man, are we not putting human qualities on hold in the name of story?" 

Teetu: “My friend! This world is a bastard….Here it is not humanity but the demons that fascinate people….'Naaz' has lost her partner 'Parth'….She is crying at the funeral of her beloved person. Everyone would like to see her devastated face, her limitless pain... Also,  the withered face, suffocating sobs of Parth's widowed mother will bring us miraculous progress.....

Always Remember, this world is a bastard... here one's trouble is a spectacle for the other.


आपका प्यारा  और थोड़ा बद्तमीज़
ऋषभ शुक्ला (Rishabh Shukla)

( संस्थापक- सम्पादक , स्वप्निल सौन्दर्य ई ज़ीन )
Founder-Editor, Swapnil Saundarya ezine


🦋Swapnil Saundarya🦋
 Decade of Action
1️⃣0️⃣Yrs Campaign to generate awareness to take action for SDGs🌈
Donate ur Creativity🎨Not ur funds!
Many simple steps=Big Impact🌐

An eco-friendly products manufacturing firm 🌿♻️👗🎨🏺 and ezine (focuses on Art Activism+Social Action)✒️🖋️📇🗞️ from India🇮🇳 run by Bro-Sis Duo Rishabh & Swapnil Shukla 



'Swapnil Saundarya ezine, founded in 2013 is India’s first hindi lifestyle online magazine that curates info on art, lifestyle, culture, literature, social issues and inspire its readership to raise their voice against all sorts of violence and discrimination. We focus on art Activism, protest art and participatory communication and social action.




Swapnil Sauundarya Label, Launched in the year 2015 is a Government registered Enterprise where you can find all your wardrobe needs of  jewelry, accessories, Interior Products , Paintings, green products under one roof. Swapnil Saundarya Label offers a complete sustainable lifestyle solution. The brainchild of Brother and Sister Duo Visual Artist-Writer  Rishabh Shukla and Jewellery-Fashion Designer  Swapnil Shukla, Swapnil Saundarya Label  is a contemporary luxury and lifestyle brand established on social and environmentally sustainable principles. Swapnil Saundarya Label’s articles are true example of perfectly  handcrafted Product. The Production processes used in their crafts typically have a low carbon footprint and promote the use of locally available materials as well as natural and organic materials where possible which requires low energy and sustained our environment. The Label also provide a source of earning and employment for the otherwise low skilled women, thereby improving their status within the household.



Make your Life just like your Dream World !

copyright©2013-Present. Rishabh  Shukla. All  rights  reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a  retrieval system or transmitted , in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. 

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